About Rubina

Rubina Takkar preferred to teach as a profession because she was much inspired by one of her teachers. She remembers how her teacher guided the students, her unconventional techniques and the fairness with which she treated each student. All these, in turn, inspired Rubina to teach with the same passion. “It’s a wonderful experience, every day there is something new to learn.”

How does it feel to be an eMaester?

Rubina joined eMaester because financial independence is something that everyone needs. It commands respect and gives recognition. When her first student got his desired band score and wrote testimonial for her, it was undoubtedly the best moment for Rubina.

Teachers make an impression on the students’ minds that lasts for a lifetime. There are many, some students have reached their destination and are still in touch with Rubina.

A skill like teaching online and with such extensive content knowledge not just gives a sense of independence, but it comes with a huge responsibility to guide students to the right track and put one’s best efforts.

Advice to the future eMaesters

To the future trainers and her colleagues, Rubina wants to say: “The best teachers teach from the heart not from the book”. So please give proper time and effort while teaching, the happiness you will get on getting the results is beyond words”.