Most education systems have been forced to adopt alternatives and ways to face-to-face learning and teaching as a result of the present COVID-19. Many educational systems transferred activities online or digital to ensure that instruction and teaching could continue even if schools were closed.

To provide information and guidance to parents on successful strategies for supporting their children’s learning, education systems should strive to strengthen engagement between parents and schools. 

Teachers, on the other hand, require assistance and guidance in incorporating technology effectively into their teaching approaches and techniques, as well as in assisting students in overcoming some of the challenges and doubts that come with this type of online learning environment.

Also Read: Benefits of Teaching Online: Let’s Check Out the Advantages and Strategies for Online Classes!

How Pandemic has Shifted Focus on Learning?

The COVID-19 has compelled educational systems all across the world to seek out alternatives to face-to-face instruction. As a result, students and teachers have started using online learning and teaching on a massive scale. 

Because huge or localised lockdowns may be required in the future to respond to additional waves of the infection until a vaccine is released, governments must determine which regulations might maximise the effectiveness of online learning. 

When regular face-to-face education is not possible, this policy brief investigates the significance of students’ attitudes toward learning in maximising the potential of online schooling.

Hybrid Teaching Models

Some students receive in-class, face-to-face training while others receive out-of-class, online learning in a hybrid teaching style. It may be a 50/50 split, or three or four students could receive virtual education while the rest of the class continues as usual.

During the COVID-19 epidemic, when school districts restricted classroom sizes and provided parents with the option of having their children “attend” in class or from home, hybrid teaching became considerably more frequent. This model, on the other hand, is enduring because it provides several benefits to children, districts, teachers, and parents.

Also Read: Strategies for Online Teaching: What are the Benefits of Teaching Online?

Flipped Classroom

A flipped classroom is a learning environment in which students get teaching, reading, lectures, and other materials while at home. In most cases, prerecorded videos are used. 

When students return to class with their teacher, they engage in hands-on activities such as working through problems, asking and answering questions, collaborating with classmates, and receiving 1:1 time with their teacher, among other things.

A flipped classroom can be a very effective teaching method. It can be implemented as part of a hybrid teaching approach, but it can also be implemented in traditional all-in-person classes.

Blended Classroom

This phrase has a lot more variations than the others. Most people think of blended learning as largely traditional (face-to-face) instruction with some strategic technology integration, where technology complements but does not replace face-to-face learning. 

Then, for some years, some researchers and educators used the term “blended” to refer to what most people now would call “hybrid.”

Rise of Online Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic

To enhance their hybrid classroom, effective hybrid teachers use a combination of interactive applications, tools, and learning technologies. These resources can be accessed and mastered from the comfort of one’s own home or in the classroom.

Students may engage and interact no matter where they are by asking helpful questions, correcting toolset, contributing to class discussions, and more.

Remote Learning During COVID 19

Unlike classroom teaching, which allows students to interact physically in an immersive atmosphere, online lessons appear to confine professors to a small screen, causing pupils to get disengaged from the learning content. 

Students become disengaged after 10-15 minutes of long, one-way live streaming sessions. As a result, you might want to break up the session into small time slots and incorporate a variety of activities to keep students engaged.

Also Read: How to be a Better Teacher? Tips, Strategies and Skills to Learn for Online Teaching

Making Online Learning Fun

Examine the progress of your students. To keep track of students’ progress in class, polls, quizzes, create assignments, and snapshots. Make learning more personalised. To encourage student conversation and cooperation, divide the class into small groups. 

Reward students for good behaviour. Create personalised badges on the internet and give them to students to display on their accounts so they can be more inspired by viewing and displaying them.

Case studies, discussions, group work, projects, role play, and student presentations are examples of activities that help students learn skills other than academic information and make classes more engaging! To facilitate group activities, a variety of online collaboration solutions and ideas can be used.

Including and Interacting with Parents

For children to engage in learning and education, they must have a supportive and healthy family environment. Many parents may find it difficult to assist and guide their children. Make contact with them and discuss how they might help. Inform them of your responsibilities and expectations. 

Assuage their fears by assuring and assisting them that it’s fine if their kids can’t keep up with their assignments and work. Encourage them to include their kids in daily activities and basic tasks like reading a book or describing their day.

Also Read: Online Teaching Platforms in India: Let’s Acknowledge the Earning Ways by Teaching Online!

Work from Home Teaching Jobs

Don’t underestimate the value of face time. Attend meetings, training sessions, events, and outings. There are fewer opportunities for team development, so take advantage of the opportunity.

Set up some communication channels with your team. Setting aside time each day or week for regular check-ins with your manager and coworkers is a good idea. Picking up the phone to congratulate someone on a job well done is the next best thing to sending an impersonal email.

You gain true independence as a work-from-home employee. It’s much more than just getting to work in your PJs while caring for your kids. You’ll learn to rely on attention, self-discipline, self-motivation, and concentration if you work from home.


We understand how difficult it is for you to keep a traditional 9-5 job. That’s why a flexible work-from-home job that pays you consistently every month is ideal. Apply to work as an online English instructor at eMaester and begin your work-from-home career with us. Teach when it’s convenient for you, from the comfort of your own home, and earn a living.

eMaester is the ideal employment for ambitious mothers since it allows you to maintain a work-life balance while still advancing your online teaching career with plenty of room for advancement. We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, motivated women to join our team.

Also Read: Future of Online Education in India: Check Out the Online Platforms and Advantages to Learn Online!